10 Things to Know When Dating a Baby Momma


The pool of single women without children is dwindling FAST. For some, this is unfamiliar territory. So if you plan on checking a woman with a child, we have complied a list of 10 things you should know.

Side Note: there are quite a few hot MILFs walking around the savannah getting fit for carnival.

10. Baby Momma Body
While some women have the ability to bounce back after a pregnancy, most women, sadly, do not. To put it in politically correct terms, this is NOT a showroom car anymore. #StretchMarks

9. Replacement Father
Don’t ever think she is looking for a replacement for the child’s father who is no longer in her life, and this can get even more complicated if you have a child of your own. So be open and take your time.

8. Things move slower than usual
As a single man you are probably accustomed to running through girls apace. But a woman with a child is “most likely” looking for some stability. So she is probably going to feel you out before you get to “hit that”.

7. Commitment Issues
State your intentions early. Ask her if she is looking for a fling or a long term relationship – manage your expectations. She is
building her career and taking care of a child, so no need wasting time.

6. De Chile Father
This is a tricky issue. If he is in the child’s life then you are going to probably see him or at least hear her complain about him. There is bound to be tension, after all, your are probably having sex with his baby momma.

5. You’re not my father
One day you are probably going to have to correct/discipline her child and that could make for drama. Handle this situation with kid’s gloves (pun intended).

4. If You Don’t like Kids…LEAVE
If it’s just a booty call when she has found a babysitter, all well and good. If you decide to get into a relationship, remember that child is there forever and that baggage may be too much for you to handle. Just be honest with yourself!!

3. Second Place
Don’t be a tourist to the truth. You are always going to play second fiddle to her child. Accept it and move on.

2. Pumping Ahead
If your girl has a child, you can’t call her up on a Friday evening and say let’s go Miami for the weekend for Carnival. She has to get a babysitter to start with. So plan your outings weeks in advance.

1. Financial Implications
While she may be an independent woman, every purchase you make from here on in, you make by three. Whether it’s a simple thing like ice cream or renting a place for the three of ya’ll to live. So just bear that in mind.