Author Archives: Ann-Marie Jordan

Technology and Relationships: A match made in Hell!

Couple Texting

DISCLAIMER! This article is in no way trying to imply that yuh getting horn (Even though…never mind). It is simply to inform you of how some tech advancements could possibly put a bit of a strain on things. Yes, all relationships are different and some may be a lot more open and trusting than others. Unfortunately, when feelings are involved a wide range of emotions like jealousy and down right maliciousness/macoing tend to be present as well. As newer technologies, gadgets and social media platforms…

Dream Body vs. Enjoying yuhself


Regardless of if you’re working on a Kadooment body, carnival body or just want to look your best year round, during the carnival seasons or Christmas season it usually feels like your body and mind are torn. After training for months, a season arrives bringing all of its fetes and temptations with it and suddenly you feel like you’ve been thrown right at the top of a crossroad. There are ways to both enjoy yourself and keep your body in shape without feeling like you’re…