Author Archives: Bryan Spicer

Don’t Shoot!


Church. A place of worship and reverence. A place where if yuh black in America, instead of communion and holy water, yuh get a .45 caliber slug in yuh chest from a 21 year old white man yuh never met before. The Roof, the Roof is on fire, and we truly don’t need any water… let that motherf*#@er burn. Dylann Roof that is. Wednesday night, June 17th at one of the United States’ oldest black churches humanity took two steps back. A bible study led…

Love on Love


Today the White House changed it’s twitter avatar to the colours of a rainbow. Outside the US Supreme Court, amidst a sea of rainbow flags, people celebrated. A big fury of fabulousness about the announcement. Gay marriage legalized nationwide! So if all of a sudden yuh bachelor neighbour who has no kids and does blast lady Gaga outta he yellow n’ black swift bounce outta Trinidad today and emigrate Stateside yuh done know why… It have a Lady Gaga summer tour coming up…obviously. Will the…

Know Yuhself

Know Yuhself

So as social media has been informing us all (because apparently no one reads the blasted paper anymore!) there seems to be a trend of self-UNawareness plaguing us. Patient zero (publicly at least) ungraciously took the form of Mr. Caitlyn Transjenner, empowering confused males everywhere to finally let there inner female names fly! Then came along Ms. Rachel Dolezal who decided to put her own spin on her identity crisis with her Transracial struggle. So, naturally, here comes our SCORCHin’ opinion! Just think, if only…

Winter is Coming: Raze the Dead


Snow. Snow. Snow. If you say it three times into a mirror at midnight a soca artist dressed in all black is going to appear out of the woods and kill you with a monotonous never changing video. More mudda-effin snow. That’s what I thought the name of the song was. Instead they need to raze the video production ingenuity for Fay-Ann’s latest music video All it would take is one scene switch for this video to be 100 times better. Maybe the director should…