Author Archives: SCORCH Magazine

Whatsapp Just Ticked Us Off


Much to the ire of many local Whatsapp users, today saw the rollout of the dreaded read receipt. Normally, a grey check means the message has been sent, two grey checks means that is has reached the recipients phone and you are left wondering if and when they read it. This has been the upside of Whatsapp since the shift from Blackberry Messenger as it adds a layer of secrecy towards those persons you may be ducking. Such as: a side piece, jilted lover (wait,…

You Need To Stop!

need to stop

As my pen name “De Sanitation Specialist” implies, I have made it my life’s mission to confront and call out the sh!t that exists in our society. Oftentimes I really want to tell people they “modda so and so” but then I remember that being a “loud-mouth-opinionated-know-it-all-grammar-nazi” is not cool and I might probably get bitch-slapped for it anyway. BUT *cue choir of angels singing* then I remember that those smarty-pants at Scorch gave me a section called “Quality Control” to vent all my pent-up,…

Untangling Local Government in Trinidad & Tobago

local government

So we are in another silly season of elections and this time we are being asked to vote for local representatives. Many people have no idea who these people are, what they do, and what local government really is- apart for the fact they represent a particular political party. The term ‘local government’ in Trinidad and Tobago is literally an oxymoron (no that’s not a moron with pimple cream on his face)- it means a contradiction in terms. Or a phrase referring to something that…

SCORCH Issue 42 – “The Vroom Vroom Issue”


Download Editor’s Note: Apart from being known as The Original Pumping Machine, we at SCORCH embody the principles of team-work in the work place. A few seminars, staff retreats and team building exercises can achieve what team work can. Sometimes you’re not completely sold on the contributions or potential contributions of your teammates. But the bottom line is, you’ll win if you band together, and you’ll lose if you don’t. At SCORCH we are all winners so banding together is a must.And so it was…