Category: Uncategorized

Race Card


In light of recent politics we have proven ourselves no more than sheep. Oh does that offend you? By perpetrating the imaginary racial divide of our politicians we have actively torn at the foundation Dr Eric Williams built this country upon. “Howw she reach Dr Williams??” I must, because when speaking of racial divides we have to go back to the time of “artsy politics” as Dr Williams called it. He said that politicians of his time were only concerned with themselves and further dividing…

Watch Yuhself

Here at SCORCH, the words ‘party’, ‘lime’ and ‘drinks’ are no strangers to us. However, while we might always have these in mind to enjoy, we must remember that with great fun, comes great responsibility. So, let’s discuss a topic that is not spoken about enough, at least in our eyes. The ‘Date Rape’ Drug Also known as ‘roofies’, these are actually a wide range of drugs which all produce the same effect on its victim. Some effects include uncontrollable sleepiness, nausea, slurred speech and…

Started from the bottom now we….where???: Hispaniola edition.


Usually when you speak about Hispaniola, (mostly if yuh gone foreign), you will be met with a “Huh??”. However, if you speak of the Dominican Republic and Haiti, that’s when bells start to ring. Often, some of us may forget that they are one country, especially seeing that ONLY Haiti was hit by the devastating earthquake in 2010 (this continues to tief everyone’s head). But, considering the long and very rocky history these two countries have between each other, it seems that the Dominican Republic would in fact favour the thoughts of those who continuously forget that they are on the same island.

Orange Is The New Jack


Unless you have been living under a rock for the past 2 weeks, you surely know what has been going on with Jack Warner and his new British rival, John Oliver. However, in case yuh really missed the bacchanal, here’s a quick update: *Dramatic Recap Music* ….Previously on Orange Is The New Jack First of all, Jack Warner, a.k.a former FIFA Vice President, was arrested last month facing charges on money laundering and corruption– with regard to diverting US$750,000 in emergency funds intended for victims…

Yuh Own The Road Awa?!


The roads of Trinidad (yuh not too far off eh Tobago) is one place yuh sure to reach and get vex at least once. From the maxi man causing traffic because he gives no _ucks to granny driving like it’s Sunday evening, we just can’t seem to understand why it’s so difficult for drivers and pedestrians alike to just have some consideration or even just some damn brains. Check out some of our biggest irritations and we’re sure some of yours as well.

10 Must Have Instagram Posts

In three flicks of the thumb you would probably see at least three of the same posts by three different people. As such, your good friends at SCORCH decided to identify some of the most popular categories and see if there were any offender s within the SCORCH family.



Pear-shaped… hourglass-shaped… ectomorph… mesomorph… top-heavy… bottom-heavy… We’ve all heard of the different body types as described in everything from medical science journals to your everyday magazine. For those of you who aren’t sure where exactly you fit, SCORCH has put together an easy reference list that we’re sure you can all relate to.