You expect to hear this kind of outburst outside Frankie’s when friends argue over football, or while walking down Frederick Street and yuh tell a maxi driver off for a bad drive, and now you should expect this kind of talk in the House of Representatives.
“Hush yuh stink mouth!!!”
It shows what the TnT public has known for a long time, that apparently all decorum in parliament is gone, just like $4 doubles, just like the money in the treasury-gone. Shame on you Dr Roodal Moonilal, learn some composure and class, if that’s possible.
You and the AG are not in the street.
His mouth may or may not need a tic-tac, but your behavior definitely needs a tube of Colgate Extra, a bottle of Listerine and $20 worth of Diana Power mints.
And fuh that you deserve the longest hashtag ever…#shakingmydisappointedheadatthelevelofdisrespectshownbyourleaders