Blackberry Z10 (Teaser)


Fresh from the Bmobile BlackBerry Z10 Lauch at Hyatt Regency!

You know they had to give us our own unit to play up with… *smirk* Okay they didn’t give us one  but they coincidently had an “extempo” competition and our very own Russell Wilkinson just happened to be there… Game. Set. Match! In all Bmobile gave away 10 Blackberry Z10s …. *high five* Bmobile!

We will be putting this bad boy through the paces in the coming days to see how it stacks up with its peers. Look out for the full write up in ISSUE 39…

Click the following link for a full list of the Balckberry Z10′s specs

bbz101620x620 (3)

bbz102620x620 (2)