Maracas, the most popular bay in Trinidad. Whether it be for bathing, posing, liming or eating a sweet bake and shark, yuh know yuh muss reach there at least once this vacation! So for that one time you hit the beach this July/August, here’s some training and eating tips for you to be on fire this summer!
The first exercise on this list is a beast and a killer, however, it requires no gym membership (eh hehhh). All you need is about 50 to 200 metres of a clear flat surface, preferably grass or the tarmac inside a stadium. (Asphalt can work too).
What I’m talking about ladies and gentlemen is sprints. This high intensity interval training pushes your body like it was meant to be pushed. The various hormonal and physiological changes that happens inside your body in response to sprinting, along with the sheer explosiveness of this exercise, builds muscle and burns unwanted fat. Just look at Richard Thompson or Kelly-Ann Baptiste, lean mean running machines. How to do it? Simple. Run as fast as you could for no greater than 200 metres. After which you should be breathing hard and bent over. Rest for a minute to a minute and a half and go again. Do this Five times.
*Those with knee problems should consider the negative long term effects of this.
The secound tip deals with what you put inside your body. And no… we’re not talking about condoms or illegal substances. We mean you are what you eat. Let food be thy medicine. While club hopping, partying, traveling, working, or schooling, it’s easy to just eat whatever’s available. Doing this over time as you age and your metabolism slows will lead to health disasters. To help keep you on track through all your knocking about remember this–
Limit excessive carb intake and balance it out with healthy fats. That all doubles diet is really going to double your waist line.
Include healthy fats like avacado, coconut oil , olive oil, palm oil and omega 3′s from fish and fish oil.
Stay far, far and mean far away from hydrogenated vegetable oil and all those other junk stuff that’s in almost every food you eat.
Get something green in yourself everyday. Please. Even if it’s a peace of lettuce on that burger you eat, or coleslaw instead of a biscuit at KFC. Ideally a big ass salad as one of your meals a day is best.
The last point for that Maracas Body this July/ August is to lift heavy. Both girls and boys. That myth of lifting heavy getting you too bulky and undefined is just that, a myth. In the gym you should be lifting heavy… and on COMPOUND movements. That is, movements that invole more than one muscle group working together to perform the exercise. Some of these movements include squats, pull-ups, barbell rows, bench press, deadlifts, etc. Notice no mention of bicep curls or tricep extensions, which are mainly isolated movements. And while they are good, they should supplement those main movements instead of being the focal point of your training session.
There you have it. Hope you learnt something new, or were reminded of something you knew already. These points are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to getting in shape and being the best you possible.