Tag Archives: The Vroom Vroom Issue

10 Things to Know When Dating a Baby Momma


The pool of single women without children is dwindling FAST. For some, this is unfamiliar territory. So if you plan on checking a woman with a child, we have complied a list of 10 things you should know. Side Note: there are quite a few hot MILFs walking around the savannah getting fit for carnival. 10. Baby Momma Body While some women have the ability to bounce back after a pregnancy, most women, sadly, do not. To put it in politically correct terms, this is…

Conversation with a specialist: Ricarda Thompson


We at SCORCH hear the criticism all the time. “Y’all just have a bunch of pretty faces in the magazine, they lack substance!” Well Ricarda blows that stereotype to pieces. Not only is she a 7+ Stunna but she also has a lot more to offer as well. She’s a “fly-girl” in every sense of the word! What’s your age and profession? I recently turned 23 and I’m a Helicopter Pilot. How did you decide that was what you wanted to do? From small I…

You Need To Stop!

need to stop

As my pen name “De Sanitation Specialist” implies, I have made it my life’s mission to confront and call out the sh!t that exists in our society. Oftentimes I really want to tell people they “modda so and so” but then I remember that being a “loud-mouth-opinionated-know-it-all-grammar-nazi” is not cool and I might probably get bitch-slapped for it anyway. BUT *cue choir of angels singing* then I remember that those smarty-pants at Scorch gave me a section called “Quality Control” to vent all my pent-up,…