Wet T-Shirt Party in Trini?


If you’re in at least one What’sApp group, you’ve seen the photos and videos circulating with the Wet T-shirt competition up at BayView, Maracas yesterday. We’re sure, like us, you have so many questions about this event:

  1. Where these girls come from? They local?
  2. How much they charge to get up on that stage? (We refuse to believe they did that for free.99)
  3. Is it twerking? Is it wining? What form of dance is that?
  4. Why didn’t she just take off the short pants to begin with? You done naked.
  5. What was in that sponsor letter? …and how they feeling about the event today?
  6. Is this even legal?!
  7. Where were the police?
  8. How did one go about acquiring the job of bathing them in water?
  9. Who won that $7,500? …and most importantly
  10. How come no one told us about this party??

All jokes aside, we didn’t want to believe this actually happened in Trinidad. We can try to wash our hands of it because the girls definitely don’t look like they’re from Trinidad, but the event happened right here. You were driving to and from the beach yesterday and completely ignorant to the fact that there were bare breasts and infection- inducing pants being soaked down right around the corner. To the promoters of this event, you provided some (very shameful) entertainment to us but please, better than that.

P.S. We did a little research and it’s obviously not legal but comes with a fine of just $400. WHAT?!

According to the Laws of Trinidad & Tobago, any person who, during the presentation or performance of any stage play or concert or other dramatic or musical entertainment, or of any other form of entertainment whatsoever, or the holding of any dance, in any building or place to which the public is admitted or has access—
(a) is indecently attired;
(b) performs any lewd or suggestive dancing or actions; is liable to a fine of four hundred dollars