Who’s On The Loose??


‘Tis the season of party and fete, which means it’s just around that time where Delilahs are all on the loose! But, it seems nowadays that Delilah isn’t the only one on the loose. Ladies, time for a wake-up call, because SCORCH is here to let you know which fellas with the broken leashes are the ones to look out for this summer!

Baby daddies


Bio: Often out on the prowl looking for an escape from fatherhood, or for a remedy from a nasty break-up with baby mama.
Weapon: They often trick you with their carefree attitude and enticing demeanor, all whilst lil baby Jr. is at home wondering where the hell daddy’s at.
Beware ladies, these baby daddies come in all shapes and sizes nowadays. Last week at Rossco’s we even saw one disguised as a 19 year old!

Party Promoters

Bio: Ever-busy and ever-social, these fellas are always on the go. Whether it be at parties, limes, or Frankie’s on a weekday, you can find them every and anywhere. Their Instagrams usually barely have pictures of themselves, and on Facebook their “Photos of You” comprise of pictures from TriniJungleJuice and Triniscene. They are also known to be ‘players’ as they meet and socialize with women from each and every crevice in T&T.
Weapon: Compensates for their absences due to events via their countless #wcw posts which receive many comments like “Hold on to this one boy!” and “She bess, she’s a keeper!” (In other words, make yuh feel like a bite up shilling)
But, when yuh in yuh bed waiting to celebrate your one-month-aversary, only to call yuh boo and hear “Sorry babes, a scene play off and ah end up down in LIV”…don’t say we didn’t warn you!


Bio: These men are often seen with other people of the’light-skinned’ persuasion and mainly affiliate themselves with bess gyal. Commonly known for being overconfident and just downright obnoxious, the more dangerous types of this breed come equipped with curly hair and dimples.
Weapon: The ability to chain up even the most stubborn, self-righteous gyul. How? Well because of their devilish good looks of course; all tied together with fresh haircut and a ‘crips’ kit. And ladies, be honest, who doesnt love a guy who can dress, right? But don’t get caught up. Remember girls, the only good thing that’s Red is a Solo!


Bio: No no, we not talking about the Boboshanti yuh does get your favourite honey roasted from, right now we are addressing the Rastamen who make you lovestruck at first sight in a fete. They are often seen moving in packs of 2 or 3, and can usually be seen sporting a snapback or shades. WARNING: while they DO look good, they are not worth the heartache. Remember the gyul who was in love with a Rastaman? Well, let’s just say there’s a reason why she didn’t know how to tell her father. Because they are sheer CHUBBLE!
Weapon: Making you feel like they are in fact, worth the heartache, because they do look DAMN good.



Bio: These despicable, yet extremely alluring hybrids used to be a very rare breed, but have now become more common in our society.
Weapon: The ability to draw women in with their undeniable swag and irresistible charm, together with the appealing fantasy of shampooing his locks. Thus, turning down a Red Rasta seems almost impossible once they have you in their grasp. However, the road never ends well with these men. They have all of the worst qualities of a Rastaman, AND a Redman combined, equating to the perfect formula for the most exceptional f_ckboy! So ladies, when you come across them, please, tread lightly, for these…these men, are as close as they come to a male version of a modern day La Diablesse.